Customer Testimonial Recruitment

1. Campaign Overview
At UUNA TEK CO., LIMITED, we are committed to enhancing your productivity and creativity through our cutting-edge products, iAuto and iDraw. To celebrate the incredible ways our customers have integrated these innovative machines into their lives, we are thrilled to announce our Customer Testimonial Video Contest. Show us how these innovative machines have made a difference in your life, and you could win fantastic prizes!
2. Campaign Duration
- Start Date: June 1st
- End Date: July 15th
- Winner Announcement: July 16th
- Prize Fulfillment: Within 48 hours after the campaign closes
3. Prizes
- Gold Winner: $1,000 or equivalent value in products
- Silver Winners (2): $500 each or equivalent value in products
4. Eligibility
- Open to all customers who own an iAuto or iDraw machine.
- Participants must be 18 years or older.
5. Entry Requirements
- Submit a horizontal HD video (minimum 1080p).
- Video must be at least 1 minute long.
- Video must feature the participant facing the camera with the iAuto or iDraw machine next to them.
- Background must be clear and well-lit.
- Videos must be clear and well-lit.
- Participants must describe how iAuto or iDraw has benefited them.
- Only one entry per person.
6. Submission Process
- Email your video entry to with the subject line "Customer Testimonial Video Contest Entry".
- Include your full name, contact information, and a brief description of your video.
7. Judging Criteria
- Relevance: How well the video showcases the use and benefits of iAuto or iDraw.
- Clarity: Quality of the video and sound.
- Engagement: How engaging and compelling the testimonial is.
- Creativity: Originality and creativity in presenting the testimonial.
8. Winner Selection
- A panel of judges from our company will review all entries.
- Winners will be announced on June 16th on our website and social media channels.
- Prizes will be fulfilled within 48 hours after the campaign closes.
9. Activation Condition
- The contest will be activated and prizes will be awarded only if there are at least 5 entries by the end of the submission period.
10. Rights and Permissions
- By entering the contest, participants grant UUNA TEK CO., LIMITED the right to use their videos for promotional purposes across our website, social media, and other marketing channels.
- Participants affirm that their submission is original and does not infringe on the rights of any third party.
11. Additional Terms
- UUNA TEK CO., LIMITED reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the specified requirements.
- All decisions by the judging panel are final.
- This contest is void where prohibited by law.
12. Contact Information
For any questions regarding the contest, please contact us at [].
We look forward to seeing your testimonials and learning how iAuto and iDraw have made a positive impact on your productivity and creativity! Good luck to all participants!