write thank you card

A Complete Guide to Writing Thank-You Cards for Your Customers

Writing thank-you cards to your customers is an act of gratitude that maintains a great affinity and makes a customer loyal to you. Being the owner of a business is all about showing respect and support to your customers. In fact, it is the essence of engraving them with how professional you are. Although a word of appreciation makes gems in the heart, the million-dollar question is: how do you do that?

Cheers to the thought that you came to learn about writing thank-you cards to your customers that go beyond any digital communication.Today we have brought a complete guide to writing thank-you cards to your customers. Essential steps and tips for writing cards that will add a touch of love and appreciation to the facade of your product.

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When to send a thank-you card

You must be familiar with the perfect timing of your thank-you card. You don't want too much or to be overly smart, which is actually what most businesses do. So how to be decent and graceful in your thank-you card starts with “When to Send a Thank-You Card.

When the purchase is done,

Time: As soon as the payment or order is confirmed, you can start to craft a thank-you card.

Reason: This is the perfect time to show gratitude to your customers.

When payment is being made:

Time: Exactly after it is confirmed that the payment is being made by your customer.

Reason: There is a psychological reason to give your buyer confidence. Especially when they make an online payment without having the physical item for which they paid, that is the perfect time for your thank-you card.

Customer feedback:

Time: When you receive positive feedback from your customer.

Reason: Showing their feedback matters to us requires a thank-you card, which will show them how their purchase matters to us.

A return buyer:

Time: At the time when a customer returns for your service.

Reason: Loyal customers already build trust in you; at that exact moment, you can make it double if you show them a thank-you card for their loyalty to your business.

What kinds of customers should you send your thank-you cards to?

There is no special type of customer. A customer is always a special one, and writing thank-you cards for them is a great job. So every customer deserves a thank-you card, although some of the most common customers that you must consider are.

  • New customers:Writing a thank-you card will show them they did the right thing by choosing you.
  • Loyal customers: When a customer returns to your business, this is where they show their loyalty, and now it's your turn to show them appreciation for it.
  • Highly valued customer:There is always a customer who spends a lot; they need your appreciation the most.
  • Customer who always gives feedback: Some customers are very keen on giving positive feedback; at that moment, your feedback to them will be a thank-you card.

These are some highlighted customers; aside from being the owner of the business, you must be open-minded to any customer. Make sure to thank them for doing business with you, because their small appreciation leads to a bigger trust in your business.

The Power of Handwritten Thank-You Cards

Well, if you want to add real charm to your thank-you cards, handwritten thank-you cards are for you. Most businesses prefer printed cards, which they send off with the package, but what shows your heartfelt appreciation is when it is done with handwritten thank-you cards.

  • Strong connection building with your customers
  • A customer will always remember your thank-you card when it is handwritten.
  • It shows your real appreciation for the customer.

How to Write Thank-You Cards

Writing a thank-you card only needs your heart; a thank-you must always be from the heart to make it heartfelt for the customers.

Following are the steps for how to write thank-you cards:

  • Start with the formal way of greeting and address the customer by name (the casual formal way would be the best).
  • Give them a grand gesture for their purchase from your business. Be very authentic and specific about what you are thankful for.
  • Make sure to add personal details as well to show your care.
  • Choose the best stationery you can to show the professionalism you and your business have.
  • Now, before closing the thank-you card, include some heartfelt wishes.


If you handwrite a thank-you card, it will show more appreciation and give you the edge for more innovation. However, if not, your printed thank-you card would be best too.

Top 5 Thank-You Card Messages for Your Customers

Following are the top 5 thank-you card messages for your customers:

Thanks for your trust!

Thank you so much for your trust in us. We would like to take this opportunity to look forward to seeing you soon in the future.

On behalf of our entire business community, we thank you for trusting us. We will expect feedback on our service or product. We would love to hear from you.

We Appreciate your purchase!

We are overjoyed to see you at our service! Your order with us has brightened our day. We appreciate your interest in our product or service. We just can't wait to serve you again!

Highly appreciated for your Purchase with us!

We just want to thank you for your interest in our product or service. Buyers like you keep us providing the best services to our customers. We appreciate you showing content that reflects what we want best for you.

Blessings on you!

Thank you for your interest in our product or service. We know the market is very saturated, yet you trust in us, and we are very glad to provide the best we can to our customers. You are valuable to us and to our business!

We are very thankful to you!

I want to take a moment to thank you for your purchase at our store. I hope we deliver as well as you trusted us to. Your feedback and your satisfaction mean the world to us. See you around!

At the end of every message, make sure to add these

(Personalize a thank-you card: "As a member of [company name], we welcome you to our business, which is more like a family to us, and we are your host.)

If you have any questions regarding anything, please reach out at any time for our customer support services; we will be glad to help you out.

Top 5 Not To Write A Thank You Card

While writing thank-you cards for customers, it is important to avoid any words or pitfalls that undermine the purity of your thank-you message. Remember, it is a thank-you card that must come from the heart, and avoiding such pitfalls will do it.

Following are some of the reasons not to write thank-you cards.

Avoid cliche statements.

Some of the cliche statements, like summarizing a thank-you message with only two phrases, "Thank you for your purchase,” make no sense, even if you meant it.

Avoid overly formal language.

Sometimes it's not honoring someone by using overly formal language. You can use casual formal instead to make it engaging.

Avoid self-appraisal or promotion.

Sometimes it looks oversmart when there is a self-promotion in a thank-you card. A thank-you card is all about the customer, so make sure not to include such things.

Not too simple nor too renovated:

Customers like professionalism, and it is only given when there is decency in your thank-you card. So make sure to craft the card in a much more decent way than the other way around.

Avoid lengthy messages

There is no need to write a lengthy passage. Instead, you can write something shorter and more engaging that shows real gratitude from you to your customer.

Final viewpoints:

Writing thank-you cards for customers is one of the best ways to win their hearts. It shows appreciation for trusting in your business and more. If you want to grow your business, you have to make your customers your assets, and sending a thank-you message is one of the best ways to do it.

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